Monday, September 10, 2012

In Which I Break Down... All The Time

Everything makes me cry.

I prided myself on my ability to hold in emotion in public.  Nothing made me cry.  I never had a heart of stone, but I was able to hold in my tears until I reached the privacy of my own home.

Now.  Pfft.

Sad movies, commercials (COMMERCIALS!), and kind words from others make my eyes leak worse than a sieve used as a roof in a hurricane.  At a wedding this past weekend, the vows the groom spoke to the bride had me sniffling and surreptitiously wiping my eyes.  It was an outside wedding so I could feign allergies.

How many other women do this during pregnancy?  Do you break down every time the old couple in the Cialis commercial smile at each other and embrace?  When the mom hugs her child after cleaning the toilet with Clorox, do you sniffle and feel your eyes get red?  

This is embarrassing.  So much so that I fear watching tv in group settings.  If you have me over soon and the television is on, don't think anything of it if I make an excuse to leave the room at each commercial break!


  1. HA! I do this all the time & I am not with child. Seriously, weddings, commercials, anything. It's ridonkle.

    Just make sure you have sunglasses & kleenex at all times ;)

  2. The bad thing is... that emotional wreck doesn't go away completely. I struggle watching Law & Order: SVU now. I almost break down every show...and it's been almost 2 years since i was pregnant.

  3. Don't tell me that!! I want my non-teary self back after this kid is here!
