Friday, June 29, 2012
13 Weeks - Baby Cakes is "Peach"-y Keen
Since I am just now starting this journal, bear with me as I catch up baby's development with our current journey. Today is the 13 week mark for little Baby Cakes, about three inches of length, swimming about inside me. It is incredibly exciting to think about. I imagine often about what it will be like when my stomach really starts to poke out as baby grows, and being able to feel his or her little movements. As I told my husband, and he has assured me, in a couple of months I will be wanting the baby to chill out for a bit so I can rest!
Another exciting thought is today is the first day of my 2nd trimester! And, please dear God, I am hoping the nausea diminishes quite a bit. I haven't had just morning sickness. I have been ill from the moment I wake up to the moment I go to sleep. Eating, keeping that food down, and taking my vitamins has been torturous. Even as I type this, I am taking breaks as the need to run to the bathroom hits me.
Speaking of running to the bathroom, the constant peeing has begun. I have never peed this many times in a day in my life. And to realize this will only increase as the months go on... well... let's just say I REALLY want this baby.
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Baby Cakes: Due January 4th, 2013
In March of 2012, Patrick, my husband, and I heard the words from our fertility doctor that we did not want to hear.
"You will never conceive naturally. Your only option is IVF."
But this is not a tale of doctor offices, needles, hormones, and in-vitro fertilization. Patrick and I walked out of his office, confident that if we were meant to have children naturally, God would provide. If not, in a year we would begin the adoption process.
My heart had been broken by those words. I cried as Patrick drove us home, feeling empty. He did his very best to comfort me, as he always does, but I needed to mourn. Mourn the fact that a doctor had told me I would not be able to carry a child that would be half Amanda and half Patrick. Mourn the fact that I might never feel a baby turn and kick inside me. I might never bring a life into this world. If only I had Patrick's faith, I would not have needed to cry that day.
Fast forward, I started seeing a homeopathic hormone therapist to help balance my estrogen and testosterone. The beginning of April was my first appointment, and I began taking the supplements that day. The next month, I was due for a check-up. She called ahead and told me to take a pregnancy test the day before, to insure that I was not pregnant, as she could not do the test on me if I was.
I waited until the next morning. I knew I wasn't pregnant and wanted to put off as long as possible seeing the negative sign on that little pee stick. I woke up, made Patrick's breakfast, and as he was eating, excused myself to the bathroom. I peed and placed the stick aside, ignoring it completely. As I was washing my hands, I glanced down... and saw the plus sign.
My heart stopped.
Blood thudding in my ears, I put the test under the sink and went back in the kitchen, not saying a word. As soon as Patrick drove away to work, I hopped in my car and went to the nearest drug store. Soon I was back in the bathroom, drinking water and preparing to pee on three more tests.
All positive.
Needless to say, I did not take the hormone test that day. When Patrick came home, I made him take me to dinner, where the waitress presented him with a stein I had dropped off earlier that said, "Patrick, you're going to be a daddy. Love, Amanda."
We were both crying tears of joy that night.
We are having a baby. And we couldn't be happier.
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