Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Toddling About

Well, we have a standing child!  For the past month, Waylon has been pulling himself up on anything and everything.  In the past week, he has gotten brave enough to walk while holding on to the couches, cabinets, the wall, etc.

With this new activity comes the millions of possibilities for injury.  He's bumped his head I don't know how many times, closed his fingers in cabinet doors, face planted... It's enough to make a mama go crazy.  I follow him around pretty closely, trying to catch him when he falls, but I also want him to learn and be independent.  It is a hard roll for me.  Hearing him cry in pain and fear rips me in two, but I know he has to fall a few (million) times before he will walk.  And we are on the threshold of that accomplishment right now!!

I am so proud of my son.

It's amazing to me how often I can see more of God's perspective after having Waylon.  God has to let us go to make our own decisions, let us stumble and bumble about, falling down and getting hurt, because it is the only way we will get stronger and eventually learn to walk.  Every time we fall down and fail and cry, God hurts for us.  He picks us up, holds us close, heals the pain, then sends us on our way, always one step behind us.

I hope God is proud of me.  Even when I stumble and fall and fail him, I hope he sees the progress I am making, the faith I'm building.  One day, I'll be able to walk steadily in faith and love.

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