Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Changing Things UP a Bit

After the birth of Baby Cakes #2 and buying a house, we have decided to start a new blog with a new focus.  I hope you will all take a moment to head on over to

Johnson Acres Farm!

We'll be talking about our kids, our house, renovation, and God's Kingdom... just about anything and everything.


Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Using Baby Sign Language

This is the American Sign Language sign for "more."  This is also the first sign Waylon started doing around eight or nine months.  Watching the realization on his face as we gave him another bite of food quickly after he made this hand motion was just magical.  Since then, his grasp on other signs, their meanings, and his dexterity have grown exponentially.

We decided to teach our baby sign language while he was still gestating.  Everything I was reading pointed to the fact that babies became aware of their environments cognitively long before their vocal cords can catch up.  Other caregivers had success with less temper tantrums after using sign language because a nonverbal child was still able to communicate their needs without much frustration.

We have found this to be true with Waylon as well.  When he starts to get fussy, we will ask with words and signs to see if he is hungry, or sleepy, or needing a diaper change.  He also can tell us there is a baby in mommy's tummy and that he sees a ball.

We definitely plan to continue this learning with New Baby Johnson due in July, and most likely continue with our mode of teaching.  Basically, we used the signs and said the words while we were doing the action.  So if we were changing a diaper, we did that sign while we said "diaper change" at each dirty or wet nappy.  Same thing with milk, more, eat, ball, baby, water, all done, bath, stop, no, yes, mommy, daddy, etc. Those were our main signs.  We're branching out now that Waylon is older with more nouns and verbs - things like dog, cat, cow, potty, music, fish, stand, sit, help, friend, story, blanket, play, please, thank you, etc.

Here are some links to the sites we utilized in figuring out signs.

Baby Sign Language Dictionary 

21 Words and Signs to Know


There are many more resources out there.  Just do a quick search on "sign language" and you'll see a million options.  Good luck!

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Sleeping Like Daddy...

For the most part, Waylon sleeps on his own, in his own crib.  But usually to put him to sleep, he snuggles between Patrick and myself.  Treasured moments.

The other night, not only Waylon drifted off, but Patrick did as well.  In their resting faces, I was amazed by what I saw.  The arch of their eyebrows, the line of their lips, the shape of their chins... all identical.  And their right arms, both thrown onto their heads, hands limp.

I birthed a clone.  A beautiful, smiling, ever joyful clone.

When we first found out we were expecting our little man, Patrick said to me,"This baby is going to look just like me."  I laughed, and he laughed, but he insisted his genes were stronger than my own.  I didn't put too much stock in his words.  I mean honestly, there was a 50/50 chance, right?

Wrong.  Now don't get me wrong.  There are moments, expressions, that I can see myself mirrored in Waylon's face.  But mainly, I see my husband.  Even the way Waylon stands, leaning on one foot and crossing his other over, is just the way Patrick stands.  

But now, with baby number 2, I can't help but wonder...

Will this one be another clone of my husband, or maybe, just maybe I'll have a little girl that looks just like me.  

Either way, I can't lose.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

18 Weeks... Pregnancy #2

It is so hard to believe that I am here again.  18 weeks pregnant.  5 1/2 inches of baby, almost half a pound of another human, floating around inside me.  This go round, I am showing earlier and feeling the baby kicking already as well.

So many things are different this time, and so many things are still the same.  I still got intense morning sickness, during which I was pretty sure I was going to die (not to mention the stomach flu that sent me to the hospital with dehydration!).  I am still getting random aches and stretchy feelings while my uterus grows and changes.  But my stomach feels entirely different.  The poking out part is higher and seems to go across my entire middle.  Waylon was this super low, poochy abdomen forever.

I also have such strong feelings that this little Baby Cake is a girl.

Trying not to get our hopes up, as we would love a girl to go with our boy, but that would be awesome!

Living For Seconds

It was just a simple helium balloon.  Bright yellow, with a giant smile on its face.  We were standing in a chocolate shop, and suddenly Waylon was squealing and laughing with delight.

His eyes were fixed on the bright floating balloon ahead of us, reaching his arms out to grab it, if he could.  His laughter was infectious, and soon Patrick and I were both giggling along with him.

We bought the balloon that day.  We don't have the type of budget to buy everything we see, but $4 for our son's happiness (he still LOVES balloons) was nothing to pay.  He laughed every time we brought it close to his face, then jerked it back.

We live for seconds.  As much as we rush, rush, rush, Waylon is just growing faster and faster.  It is only these precious moments that we can cherish.  We have to slow down and enjoy each second as it ticks by us.  Just this week I have noticed how much his face has been maturing, the baby softness becoming more and more like a little boy each day.

Live for seconds.  We may still be looking for a house.  We may worry about money from time to time.  We may rush to work and think that is where we can impact our family in the best way.  None of that matters.  What matters is learning to live in and cherish each moment before it passes by.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

And Then There Were Four

Back in November, Patrick and I received a giant surprise...

We found out we are expecting Baby Johnson #2!  For a couple that had been deemed infertile, God really has been blessing us!  I am currently 15 1/2 weeks along, but we were a mere 3 weeks when we found out!  The story is amazing

I'm about to talk about "lady business," so if you're uncomfortable, skim over this next part...

I got my first period after having Waylon in late August.  My cycle runs about 65 days (one of the reasons I was considered infertile) so I was expecting another one in late October.  When it didn't show up on time, I chalked it up to my hormones still leveling out.  

We had been praying so hard for some close friends of ours to get pregnant, and they told us over dinner one night, right as I was missing my period, that they were expecting in June.  Overjoyed doesn't even begin to cover how we felt!  But something was nagging at me.

A week later, I told Patrick I was taking a pregnancy test, not expecting anything, but wanting to be prepared.  My midwife is in high demand and gets booked quickly!  The first test was inconclusive, I waited forever for even the test line to show up.  I threw it away, and we left for the day.  A couple hours later, I pulled the test out of the trash (still not sure what made me do that) and two pink lines stared up at me.  

Needless to say, about five more tests were taken.  The faint lines only got darker.  A test from the health department further confirmed my suspicions.  Patrick and I were about to be parents again!

After trying so hard for Waylon, we naively assumed that the next baby would be just as hard to conceive.  What we didn't factor in was God's plans and timing!  He decided it was time for our second child.  So ready or not, here he/she comes!!