Thursday, November 29, 2012

Out of the (Breech) Woods!

Guess who decided to turn upside down and get his/her head in mommy's pelvis?  (Points thumbs at baby bump protuberance) This kid!

We went to the doc that works with our midwife on Tuesday, and he determined Baby Cakes is now head down!  He then went on to feel around and proclaimed the "tushie" is on my right side, and little feet and legs are having a hay day kicking my left side ribs and muscles.  Head and hands are pushing my hips around.  Which is a very odd feeling.  The oddest feeling of all has to be when my ribs and hips all get pushed apart simultaneously.  I know, it sounds like a form of medieval torture, but its just a baby getting used to its muscles.

Thank you everyone for your prayers and happy thoughts.  God is awesome and amazing.  Just keep us in the back of your mind and prayers that we stay head down until birthing time starts.  And with our due date approaching in just 36 MORE DAYS (geez!), that could be coming soon!

I am currently writing this update from our bed, as I seem to have come down with a slight cold.  Patrick has banned me to bed to rest the germs out of me, and brings me tea whenever I want it.  I don't say it often enough, I married an amazing man that I love with my entire being.  He is so good to me, and I could never wish for a better husband than he already is.  Baby Cakes, you are the luckiest baby in the world to have such a man for your daddy.  He loves you (almost) as much as I do.

Here's to not having a cold when I am pushing a baby out in the birthing pool!

Friday, November 9, 2012

Painted Trees

The nursery is coming together quite well.  So well, in fact, that sometimes I just go in there, recline on my finished T-Shirt Shag Rug, and just enjoy the space.  I hope our baby finds it as soothing as I do.

Recently, we completed our forest project.  We painted trees, leaves, and cardinals all over the baby's walls.  With one cardinal lighting upon a branch right above the crib.  It came out even better than we had hoped.

See why I just want to go in there and sit and enjoy?  It was a lot of work, but it was also a lot of fun painting and drawing all over the walls.

Baby Cakes, don't get any ideas though...  not all walls are made to be drawn on.  

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Stubborn Johnson Child

Sweet baby is currently in a breech position.  Frank breech, most likely.  Very frustrating.  If we stay in this position until November 27th, we may have to give up our home birth approach and go to the hospital.  I will be fighting against a Cesarean, tooth and nail.

We would love if everyone, people we know, people we don't know, would pray that our baby would turn head down before that day.  We want our baby to be born at home, naturally.  Although at the end of the day, all we want is a healthy, happy baby and a healthy, happy momma.

Techniques we are currently trying:

-Webster Technique
-Cold Ice Packs

Keep us in your thoughts and prayers.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Belly Pic Updates


I know I promised belly picture updates more regular than we have been supplying them.  But real life gets in the way sometimes.

Here's a quick recap of my growing bump (it's no longer hard to believe there is a baby in there as he or she is beating against my ribs and trying to come out) from 25 weeks to 31 weeks.

That's right, 31 weeks now and only 9 weeks left until our due date.

Baby, we're ready for you.

25 weeks:

28 Weeks 2 Days:

31 Weeks:

When all this is said and done, I plan to take each week's picture, and put them side by side, or ascending or something... just so you can see the crazy progression of growing bump.

But seriously, look at that!  I definitely don't feel that big, but then I look at pictures and think, "Geez!"

So, 31 weeks.  Baby weighs somewhere in the neighborhood of 3.5 pounds and is around 16 inches long.  From here until the day he/she makes the debut, 1/2 pound will be gained each week.  Which means I will gain at least 5 more pounds.  Awesome.  

Thursday, November 1, 2012


For those of you who have seen previews of the nursery, you know I have been working diligently on a project since June.  A project I thought would take a couple of weeks at the most to finish.

Yeah... I kinda underestimated the amount of work I was going to have to do...

But, FINALLY, I have finished the T-Shirt Rug!!  My green shaggy rug is complete, beautiful, and gracing the middle of our nursery.


Oh I am so proud... and I will not be starting a project like this again for awhile.  The rug is 5' x 5' and made from a green knit jersey material.  I used in total about 15 yards of fabric, all cut into 1" x 5" strips, tied to the underlying rug mat I purchased from Hobby Lobby.

Here is a picture of the rug in process:

When I started the rug, I went completely around the outside first, then filled in the middle.  I skipped every other little square, but you could definitely do every one.  The rug would just be a lot thicker (and take ages and ages to finish).

So now, hubby and I will be painting trees on the wall tonight.  And setting up a picture mobile.  More pictures to follow.

And please, feel free to congratulate me on this feat of amazingness.  I don't think I will feel this accomplished until I push little Baby Cakes out in a couple of months, or 64-ish days. 

Geez.  64 days.  Everybody better prepare themselves for cuteness overload when they meet our little baby.